An ionic framework is a powerful HTML5 SDK that helps you build native-feeling mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.Hybrid applications are HTML5/Web applications that behave like native apps and use a common code base to target multiple device operating systems. Ionic is built on top of AngularJS and leverages Apache Cordova to wrap your application in a native shell while providing access to device native capabilities.Ionic is a cross-platform framework it provides beautiful UI and interfaces for Mobile Application

Installing Dependencies

Before install ionic to install nodeJS on your system.NodeJs download and installer from

NodeJs will install NPM (NodeJs Package Manager) which will allow you to install the first Ionic dependency

Installing Ionic 

open terminal/cmd and run command step by step

Windows system : npm install -g ionic cordova
Linux system : sudo nam install -g ionic Cordova

Create starter application

Create the sideMenu starter application by using the Ionic CLI (Command Line Interface):

ionic start starter —type ionic1 sideMenu

Create the Tabs starter application by using the Ionic CLI (Command Line Interface):

ionic start starter —type ionic1 tabs

By default create tabs project in ionic 

Create the Blank starter application by using the Ionic CLI (Command Line Interface):

ionic start starter —type ionic1 blank

Serve Browser

After creating the project then run this command to serve application browser:

cd starter
ionic serve

Platform Add

At this point, we are almost ready to run the app, but first, we need to add the platform that we want to build the app for.

ionic cordova platform add ios/android

Run Application emulate/device

Once you have dependencies installed you are ready to run or emulate/device the application:

ionic cordova emulate android/ios
ionic cordova run android/ios

This step Follow to create a hybrid application using the ionic framework. Thanks :)

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