Create ReactJS and Redux Blog Web Application boilerplate

ReactJS Redux Blog Web Application boilerplate


React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.


Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

Redux makes it easy to manage the state of your application. Another way of looking at this – it helps you manage the data you display and how you respond to user actions.

  • Installation

Redux is available as a package on NPM for use with a module bundler or in a Node application:

npm install --save redux
  • Create a New React App

Create React App is a comfortable environment for learning React, and is the best way to start building a new single-page application in React.

It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production. You’ll need to have Node >= 6 and npm >= 5.2 on your machine. To create a project, run:

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
  • New Project Folder Structure

  • Change App.js => App.jsx then run this command for run react app on browser
npm start
  • After run success then install required package 
npm install --save bootstrap react-dom react-redux react-router-dom reactstrap
  • Open src/index.js add this code
import React from 'react';

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import './index.css';

import App from './App';

import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';

ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'));

// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change

// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.

// Learn more about service workers:

  • After create components folder in src/components
  • After that create componets folder then create header compontent src/components/header/Header.jsx and add code 
import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { Collapse,




NavItem, } from 'reactstrap';

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import './Header.css'

export default class Header extends Component {

constructor(props) {


this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);

this.state = {

isOpen: false



toggle() {


isOpen: !this.state.isOpen



render() {

return (

<div className="mb-50">

<Navbar color="faded" light fixed='top' expand="md">

<Link href="/" to="/"><img width="100%" src="" alt="Codesolution"/></Link>

<NavbarToggler onClick={this.toggle} />

<Collapse isOpen={this.state.isOpen} navbar>

<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>


<Link to="/">Home</Link>



<Link href="/about" to="/about">About</Link>



<Link href="/news" to="/news">Updates</Link>



<Link href="/contact" to="/contact">Contact</Link>










  • create header.css in header folder and add this code
nav.navbar, .navbar-default {

background-color: #7263bc !important;

border-bottom:5px solid #323f45; padding-top:10px;


.navbar-default {

background-image: none;

border: none;

border-radius: 0;



margin-bottom: 60px;


.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {

color: white;


.navbar-default .navbar-brand {

color: white;


.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {

border-color: white;


.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {

background-color: white;


.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover {

background-color: transparent;


.navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus, .navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover {

color: white;

background-color: transparent;


a, a:hover{

color: #FFF !important;

text-decoration: none;

padding: 10px;


.navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:focus, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a:hover {

color: white;

background-color: transparent;

  • After then create footer folder in components and create Footer.jsx and css like that


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import './Footer.css'

export default class Footer extends Component {

render() {

return (


<footer className="footer">

<div className="container background_color">

<p className="text-center">Copyright @2019 | Designed With by <a href="" target="blank">Wapptechlogics</a></p>









.col_white_amrc { color:#FFF;}

footer { width:100%; background-color:#263238; min-height:auto; padding:5px 0px 5px 0px ;}

footer p { font-size:13px; color:#CCC; padding-bottom:0px; margin-bottom:8px;}


background: #7263bc;

border-radius: 0;


.bottom_border { border-bottom:1px solid #323f45; padding-bottom:20px; background: #7263bc;border-radius: 0px;}
  • After then create home folder then create Home.jsx and css like that


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

import { Card, CardImg, CardText, CardBody,

CardTitle, CardSubtitle, Button, Container, Row, Col, ListGroup, ListGroupItem } from 'reactstrap';

import './Home.css';

export default class Home extends Component {

componentDidMount() {

window.scrollTo(0, 0)


render() {

return (




<Col xs="12" sm="8" md="9" lg="9">

<Row className="cart-list">

<Col xs="12" sm="6" md="6" lg="4" className="cart-item">


<CardImg top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" alt="Card image cap" />


<CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>

<CardSubtitle>Card subtitle</CardSubtitle>

<CardText>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</CardText>

<Link to="/about"><Button>Button</Button></Link>




<Col xs="12" sm="6" md="6" lg="4" className="cart-item">


<CardImg top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" alt="Card image cap" />


<CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>

<CardSubtitle>Card subtitle</CardSubtitle>

<CardText>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</CardText>

<Link to="/about"><Button>Button</Button></Link>




<Col xs="12" sm="6" md="6" lg="4" className="cart-item">


<CardImg top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" alt="Card image cap" />


<CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>

<CardSubtitle>Card subtitle</CardSubtitle>

<CardText>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</CardText>

<Link to="/about"><Button>Button</Button></Link>




<Col xs="12" sm="6" md="6" lg="4" className="cart-item">


<CardImg top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" alt="Card image cap" />


<CardTitle>Card title</CardTitle>

<CardSubtitle>Card subtitle</CardSubtitle>

<CardText>Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</CardText>

<Link to="/about"><Button>Button</Button></Link>






<Col xs="12" sm="4" md="3" lg="3">

<ListGroup className="list_div">


<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>




<div className="image-div">

<img top width="100%" src="codeicon.png" className="image-left" alt="Card image cap" />


<div className="image-title">

<h2 className="font14">Cras justo odio</h2>













.jumbotron {

margin-bottom: 4em;


.person-wrapper {

margin-bottom: 2em;


.profile-pic {

width: 50%;



margin: 0px;

padding: 10px;

max-width: 100% !important;


.btn-primary {

background-image: none;

border: none;

border-radius: 0;

background-color: #2892D7;



padding: 10px;

margin: 0px;



margin: 0%;



padding: 10px;


.cart-item .card{

margin: 0px;


h3 {

margin-bottom: 1em;



width: 50px;

height: 50px;

border-radius: 100%;



padding: 5px 10px !important;



padding: 10px 0px !important;



width: 50px;

height: 50px;

display: inline-block;



padding-left: 10px;

display: inline-block;

word-break: break-all;

font-size: 14px !important;



font-size: 14px !important;

  • Create news,about and contact folder and page like home folder and jsx 
  • Open App.jsx and add this code
import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import Home from './components/home/Home';

import About from './components/About/About';

import News from './components/news/News';

import Contact from './components/Contact/Contact';

import Navbar from './components/header/Header';

import Footer from './components/footer/Footer';

class App extends React.Component {

render() {

return (



<Navbar />

<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />

<Route path="/about" component={About} />

<Route path="/news" component={News} />

<Route path="/contact" component={Contact} />

<Footer />






export default App;


  • After that run code 
npm start 


Thank You :)

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Code solution


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